Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We are the Body

God knows, and some of you do too, how much I've been struggling recently with the church. I've witnessed far too much hypocrisy, poor leadership, and dare I say, "pharisaic" attitudes within the body. Yesterday, however, God showed me and reminded me of what the church is all about.

A dear friend and colleague of mine was in dire straits. She had to have emergency surgery and the doctors weren't confident she would survive. It was in this context I witnessed the power of the Body of Christ. I saw it instantly mobilized through prayer. I saw my friend's husband, also a colleague, inundated with love and support from the church. In his hour of crisis, when he was weak, the Body of Christ lifted him up. I heard the prayers asking for God to guide the doctors and to heal our friend. I saw his grace be poured down on us like the rain that we see this season, giving new life to all. I saw the strength provided by a common love, confident in His ability to heal, and at worst (for us) confidence that ultimately He would provide the victory over death.

I was but a bystander yesterday, one of many praying and expressing support. I can only guess at what God did for my friend and her husband yesterday. I know, however, what He did for me. I wasn't the one in the operating room, yet I was healed yesterday. I needed reminding that the church is fallible. We are human and prone to error. Unfortunately, I've been looking too much at the error and not enough at the grace and love which still abound in His Body.

I think I've allowed myself to be a victim of Satan's deception. He wants me cynical. He wants me to lose faith in the Body; it's only a short trip then to losing faith in the Father. Yesterday, God boldly announced His presence in my world. Thank you God for doing that.

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