Thursday, April 9, 2009

Are we a Christian nation?

In principle and precept, most definitely so. The evidence is undeniable.

Great piece by Greg Hengler. Be sure to watch the clip of Ken Blackwell and Christopher Hitchens debating this topic.

Key graph:

"Both “clauses” are addressing Congress. Congress shall make no law and Congress shall not prohibit the free exercise thereof. This was written so American government would not be like British government where the King decried which denomination of Christianity his country would practice. How does this Amendment apply to a kid thanking Jesus at graduation? How about a little girl who draws a cross with crayons in art class? The list of stupidity around the “separation” issue is endless."

I would add that the prohibitions in the instances cited above are blatant violations of the "free exercise" clause of the 1st amendment. If we as Christians are going to be politically involved, I'd argue this is a great place to start.

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