Friday, April 10, 2009

Is Tiger killiing sportsmanship

Remember when our star athletes were having fun? Did Jack Nicklaus ever scour, slam his clubs, and scream out the "F-word" after a bad shot? Arnold Palmer? Michael Jordan could smile while putting the dagger in the chest of an opponent. I'll never forget Pete Rose, perhaps the ultimate "competitor", saying to Carlton Fisk after the latter had just hit his famous Game 6 winning home run, rounding third base: "Ain't this great?"

Have we lost all sense of fun in our sports? Have guys like Tiger and Bill Belichek become the norm? Are rings and jackets all that matters? If that's the case, what's the use of sport? Sports are supposed to be a release, an escape from the seriousness of life. Watching dour winners and boorish losers does nothing to provide that outlet. If I want that, I'll turn on C-Span.

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