Friday, May 8, 2009

The Quest for Popularity and Celebrity

Great read here by Greg Hengler:

The popular and famous validate us. We might all lust for the material things and the fame that they attain, but because we can not reach that goal, we take satisfaction in seeing that they made it to the "promised land" and found it empty. We need to know that it is not enough -- you can have it all and still have nothing.
Now for the politically incorrect moral of my story: We are all searching for something to validate our life. We inherently know that what the world offers is crap. When we stop trying to find validation, identity, and popularity from the world, we will be on the right road. This road will reveal that there is only one way to the Promised Land, and the God who opens the doors does not sin, fail, or die. Furthermore, following God is one of the few guaranteed roads to unpopularity. Just ask the cowboy.

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