Friday, March 27, 2009

Mark Story is right. It's not MERELY "win at all costs"

It's also about arrogance and entitlement. We'll find out which is more important very shortly. Here are the ways this could play out and the messages they send:

1. Gillispie stays. This has all been a media-created circus over some legitimate issues that were handled internally.
Message: The administration is in control of the program and has dealt with the problem. No amoount of heat from outside has affected their decision making

2. Gillispie out, Donovan in.
Message: We screwed up the first time. Wrong guy, wrong place, wrong time. We got the guy we initially wanted and we've tried to make it a soft landing for all involved.

3. Gillispie out, Calipari in
Message: It is "win at all costs." We said "to hell with reputation" and drove the Brink's truck to the guy who will win the fastest. The boosters have told Todd and Barnhart what to do.

4. Gillispie out, Ford in.
Message: This is a face saving "compromise" between the boosters and administration. We threw out the guy who pissed you off, but the administration couldn't stomach Calipari. We got the Kentucky guy who "gets the tradition." He'll show up at all the events and give the boosters the respect and access to the program they need. Hopefully he'll win, too, since his resume is thinner than Gillispie's was.

This thing's a mess.

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