Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Everyone, Joe?

Vice President Joe Biden says “everyone guessed wrong” on the impact of the economic stimulus. O rly?

Follow these links for the exceptions to "everyone" including 200 economists who took out an ad saying as much. Economics does have a history, Mr. Biden. We can see what has worked and what hasn't. I don't know what disturbs me more: this administration's seeming ignorance of economic theory or the fact that apparently they're spending trillions of taxpayer dollars and ruining our children's futures based on guesswork. Or maybe that Mr. Biden seems reticent to take on any responsibility for this disaster. Guessed wrong? Was the White House consulting the Magic 8 Ball for advice?

A manager who calls a pitchout when a runner isn't stealing guessed wrong. He's just playing a hunch. Please tell me that the current leaders of the free world aren't just acting on their "gut" instinct. Maybe someone will listen to me the next time we have someone whose never met a payroll running for the presidency. This office is not the place for on-the-job-training.





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